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Intensive Collagen Care Serum

DermaOXY INTENSIVE SERUM contains a high amount of hyaluronic acid, algae extract and SYN-AKE peptide.



The added SYN-AKE peptides gives a relaxing, preventive effect, and therefore prevents formation of new wrinkels.

Contains two active hyaluronic acid components, which with the combination of sugar molecules can easily bind to the skin cell . INTENSIVE serum is developed to support and enhance the effect of the oxygen treatment.For optimal effect, the INTENSIVE serum should be used in combination with dermalRollings- read more about this in the section called dermalRollings.

Net Weight: 20ML

Intensive serum is highly recommended for use in daily routine, and you will experience results out of the ordinary.Either at your health clinic or as a home treatment.

Roll the dermalRollings in the  desired area, and then add Intensive serum. Amount of serum depends on skintype. The most optimal way is to apply the serum, until the skin is saturated. Afterwards you will experience a new freshness and a younger expression of your skin.

Contains vitamin C, which boosts the production of collagen

Has SYN AKE – a muscle relaxant, that reduce skin contractions.

Maintains moisture balance

Hyaluronic acid
Sodium Hyaluronate
Ascorbyl Palmitate
Algea Extract
Peptide complex
SOD – Superoxide Dismutase
Hydrolyzed Soy Protein
Vitamin A, C, E, Q10

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